Story and Creative Consultation


Is your story saying what you think it is? Are you stuck on a problem in your script, chewing on it for weeks and still the answer won’t appear? Are you burning with ideas but don’t know where to start? Save yourself some grief and talk to me.

I love talking to fellow writers about their stories. And I particularly love talking about all the snags, stalls, potholes and plot holes keeping these stories from taking shape.

Every subject has its unique set of challenges. Every genre has its dangers, its expectations and clichés. Don’t put your audience to sleep. Ask yourself:

Is my writing firing on all cylinders?

Are my characters compelling, credible, and alive?

Are my scenes designed to push them to their absolute limits?

Is it surprising?
Is it delightful?
Is it me?

Before you throw out the idea you’ve been tossing around for months…

Before you hit your head against the wall…

Before you press send to that producer, agent, or competition… talk to me.

I offer:

script feedback and diagnosis

coaching for writers

story editing


for every stage of development and production